Our Story
"My mama didn't know that she was naked. That is the way she was since creation. The natural way to be..My mama didn't have nay clothes on 500 years ago, but she didn't hae any super markets and she didn't have any doctors, she didn't have any hospitals, she did not have any disease. Her diet was consistent with her cellular predisposition." -Dr. Sebi
Naked & Unashamed
Jungle Mama is the reminder that we should embrace mother nature. Finding our way back, we heal ourselves of the illnesses that have come attached to this colonized way of living. Mama was told she was naked, wild, and a savage. But what is wrong with mama being natural, unruly, and primitive? They call people of the jungle savages with a sense of arrogance. As if there is something wrong with mama being a savage. Savage means; of an animal or force of nature that is uncontrolled, untamed, or wild. Mama was the way her creator envisioned and she was healthy and happy.
As we go on our journey to better health mentally, physically, and spiritually, we must go back to what our naked mama ate. "Let food by they medicine and medicine thy food." Diet and herbal remedies have always played a major role in the healing solutions of our ancestors.
For too long we have turned our backs on the herbs that are healing to the body. Plants that grow untamed in the jungle are savages. As savage people, we should utilize these savage herbs mother nature have provided. Welcome home.​
Let's Work Together
We're always looking for partnerships and collaborations with those who align with our company's mission. Reach out and let's connect.