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Chasteberry Tea

Chasteberry Tea

Traditionally used to help women with menstrual cycle complications such as cramps, breast pain, irregular cycles, etc.*


    Chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus L., Vitex, Chaste tree, monk's pepper)


    ACTIONS: Hormonal Normalizer, Uterine Tonic, Galactagogue (increase milk supply).*


    MEDICINAL USES: Chasteberry has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland function, especially as it relates to progesterone levels. The most important therapeutic application for chasteberry comes from its ability to normalize the activity of female sex hormones. Thus, it is used for dysmenorrhea, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), and other disorders related to hormone function. It is especially beneficial during menopause.*


    It may also help the body regain a natural balance after discontinuation of oral contraceptives. It can be useful for stabilizing the menstrual cycle after withdrawal from progesterone-containing birth control pills. Chasteberry is also effective for irregular menstruation, especially when related to endometriosis. It may help with fibroid cysts that occur in smooth muscle tissue or in subserous areas. For women trying to get pregnant it may regulate the ovulatory cycle.*


    PREPARATION & DOSAGE: To make an infusion (drinking tea), pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 teaspoon of berries and infuse for 10-15 minutes, 3x daily.

    To achieve the best results, follow Dr. Sebi's Nutritional Guide, which reflects an African Biomineral Diet. Since food is medicine, the true healing comes from daily eating choices with the support of herbal remedies. 


    SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS: There is a theoretical possibility that the herb may interact with dopamine antagonists and dopamine-receptor-blocking agents. 

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Consult your healthcare practitioner prior to use if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, taking any medication, or if you have any medical condition.


    FUN FACT: Monks in the Middle Ages used chasteberry to reduce sexual desire. Hence the name, "chaste" berry. Chaste means abstaining from sexual intercourse.



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